Cost | Tape | Video Tape Name & Description | |
Phase 1 Curriculum | |||
$50 | 1s0 | Bagua Exercises (Silat Warm-Up) | [wp_cart:1s0-Bagua Exercises:price:50:end] |
1s1 | Silat Open Hand Basics of Attack and Defense – review
* Move in a way so you can’t be vitally or critically hit. They can not even graze you without risking more than they want to get near you. |
[wp_cart:1s1-Open Hand Basics:price:50:end] |
$50 | 1s2 | Silat Elbows & Hand Destructions * Spot paralysis techniques. |
[wp_cart:1s2-Elbow, Hand Destructions:price:50:end] |
$100 | 1s3 | Silat Knees, Foot Destructions (DESTROYING KICKS) & Combined Destructions * Spot paralysis techniques. |
[wp_cart:1s3-Knees, Foot Destructions, Combined Destructions:price:100:end] |
$100 | 1s4 | Stealing the Energy & Basic Kilap (Explosive Energy) | [wp_cart:1s4-Stealing the Energy:price:100:end] |
$50 | 1s5 | Silat Alive Hands (Rhythm & Broken Rhythm) | [wp_cart:1s5 – Alive Hands:price:50:end] |
$50 | 1s6 | 8 Angles of Attack/Waist & Knee Power | [wp_cart:1s6 – 8 Angles:price:50:end] |
$50 | 1s7 | Silat Decoy & Programming Basics * How to prevent an attacker from ever faking you out. |
[wp_cart:1s7 – Decoy & Programming:price:50:end] |
$100 | 1s8 | Action Beats Reaction/Timing Secrets/Walking & Running Attacks * Catch full speed punches out of the air. * Beat the opponent to the punch every time. |
[wp_cart:1s8 – Action Beats Reaction:price:100:end] |
$100 | 1s9 | Silat Ranges of Fighting/Retreating Forwards & Zero Pressure (PRACTICAL USE OF RUNNING ATTACKS) | [wp_cart:1s9 – Ranges,Retreating Forwards, & Zero Pressure:price:100:end] |
$75 | 1s10 | Kun Tao Silat Stances Basics A – 8 Limb Techniques and Kilap (bone shields, prayer hands decoy, body triangles, and head butt) * Make attackers hurt themselves when they strike at you. (The harder and faster they strike the worse it is for them.) |
[wp_cart:1s10 – Kun Tao A:price:75:end] |
$75 | 1s11 | Kun Tao Silat Stances Basics B – Combining All Aspects (balance & forward momentum, manipulating leverage & fielding) |
[wp_cart:1s11 – Kun Tao B:price:75:end] |
$75 | 1s12 | Kun Tao Bear & Kalong (orangutan) & the Hen & Ha Roar & the Bear Style Juru * Learn how to use a secret sound to shock an attacker’s nervous system. |
[wp_cart:1s12 – Bear Style, Hen & Ha:price:75:end] |
$50 | 1s13 | Silat Lift Kicks, Jamming (Pukolan) & Body Choke Points (Also review Shock Kicks) * Make your kick invisible to an attacker & feel as hard as a baseball bat. |
[wp_cart:1s13 – Lift Kicks & Jamming:price:50:end] |
$50 | 1s14 | Silat Evasions * Destroy Karate type kicks. |
[wp_cart:1s14 – Evasions:price:50:end] |
$75 | 1s15 | Silat Defeating Destructions & Kneeling Destructions * Learn a special technique that will defeat an attacker using elbows & knees. |
[wp_cart:1s15 – Defeating Destructions & Kneeling Destructions:price:75:end] |
$50 | 1s16 | Silat Guntang, Elbow Drills & Slaps then Destructions to Destructions | [wp_cart:1s16 – Guntang, Elbow Drills & slaps to destructions:price:50:end] |
$50 | 1s17 | Silat Long Range Fighting | [wp_cart:1s17 – Long Range Fighting:price:50:end] |
$50 | 1s18 | Silat Stop-Hits and Spot Hits * Instantly analyze an attacker’s weaknesses. |
[wp_cart:1s18 – Stop & Spot Hits:price:50:end] |
$50 | 1s19 | Silat Falling and Rolling and Phase I Ground fighting. * Defend from the ground well enough that a standing attacker will fear you. |
[wp_cart:1s19 – Falling, Rolling & Ground fighting:price:50:end] |
$100 | 1s20 | Silat Grappling Basics 1 – Studying the Body’s Vulnerabilities & the Kun Tao Clock & Twist Method | [wp_cart:1s20 – Grappling Basics:price:100:end] |
$100 | 1s21 | Silat Kilat Grappling (1 second or less) | [wp_cart:1s21 – Kilat Grappling:price:100:end] |
$100 | 1s22 | Silat Escaping Holds & Locks & Flowing from Lock to Lock, Counter lock & Escape Drill * Easily escape from any hold & beat Brazilian SPORT Jiu-Jitsu. * How to use 2 fingers to incapacitate someone trying to choke you. |
[wp_cart:1s22 – Escaping Holds:price:100:end] |
$75 | 1s23 | Silat Basic Multiple Attackers (Positioning) * Instantly gain an advantageous position to fight multiple attackers. |
[wp_cart:1s23 – Multiple Attackers:price:75:end] |
$50 | 1s24 | Jumping-Madi and Monkey Kun Tao | [wp_cart:1s24 – Jumping:price:50:end] |
Phase 1 Supplemental – Not Included with the Phase 1 set | |||
$35 | 1sA1 | Demo & Intro to Pentjak Silat | [wp_cart:1sa1 – Intro to Silat:price:35:end] |
$75 | 1sA2 | WELCOMING Postures | [wp_cart:1sa2 – Welcoming Postures:price:75:end] |
$50 | 1sA3 | Silat Sticking Hands/Tapping Habbud Drills | [wp_cart:1sa3 – Sticking Hands & Habbud:price:50:end] |
$50 | 1sA4 | Sticky Hands & Push Hands | [wp_cart:1sa4 – Sticky Hands & Push Hands:price:50:end] |
$75 | 1sA5 | Silat Push and Pull with Aspects of Petjut, Pukolan, & Harimau | [wp_cart:1sa5 – Push & Pull with petjut, pukolan & Harimau:price:75:end] |
$50 | 1sA6 | Basics of Stick & Knife | [wp_cart:1sa6 – Stick & Knife Basics:price:50:end] |
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