What is Indoor Teaching? & why Kung Fu sucks

I’ve been asked a couple times recently about what exactly the term “Indoor Training” means.

Basically “indoor” is a term for information in a system that is only taught to a privileged few.

In other words it’s stuff that is only taught ‘behind closed doors’ instead of in public.

There are different names for this practice.

Sometimes you have to be a family member or become a disciple to get this info. Some systems are only passed on to one person.

Everyone else is kept in the dark.

No matter how dedicated or how long they study.

Now, this practice makes sense if you go back before modern firearms and you have to worry about war with a nearby city, family or tribe.

But in the modern world this doesn’t protect you from unpleasant folks. They’ll just stock up on firearms, try to run you over with a car or send their lawyers after you.

A lot of things have been lost because of this practice.

And it’s the primary reason there is so much poor quality kung fu and Internal martial arts out there.

There are two reasons this practice continues…


Ignorance comes in a few different forms.

Some people never learn they’ve been held out on. They simply teach what they learned without ever realizing they’re doing themselves, their students and their art a disservice.

Others perpetuate this practice because it’s what they were taught . They were handed this tradition and they never questioned it or considered the damage they’re doing to their students and the art they’re trying to preserve.

And then there’s FEAR…

Fear that the competition will steal their ‘secrets.’

Fear that their students will learn everything they know and then leave. (and maybe become the competition.)

These fears, and those like them, are a fear of losing power and control over others.

(If your goal is power over others I suggest you dream big and go into politics or start a career in our financial industry.)

These fears are destructive.

If a teacher only teaches the good stuff to a few people then a lot of their time is spent teaching not so good stuff.

Their skill level will suffer because of all this time spent working with poor quality training. (which leads to an increase in fear.)

If they only have one or two disciples then they have a huge problem if one goes rogue or is killed in a car wreck.

And all those students who studied for years without developing the skill they should have…

..their skill level will form the basis of the arts reputation in the years to come.

If you are constantly learning and you teach everybody openly…

– then a rogue student will quickly be surpassed by his peers and the loss of a senior student won’t be the end of the system.

– You will never run out of things to teach.

– and with more skilled students your skill will grow faster as well.

There is also an almost legitimate fear that someone they teach will use their knowledge to hurt someone.

Thing is, indoor training is NOT any easier.

It still takes HARDWORK over TIME.

(It’s just much much more effective.)

In today’s world the bad eggs have access to much easier ways to hurt somebody…

And the good eggs…

…The hardworking students who will carry these arts forward…

The don’t need any extra obstacles in their path.

These arts are hard enough already.

The solution is simple.


LEARN the best stuff you can find anywhere you can find it.

Become a shining example of what is possible with these arts.

and TEACH.

Share what you know.

Make sure your students become high quality examples to carry these arts forward.

It’s Simple…

learn, teach and never ever stop.

Sigung Clear was lucky. In the early years of his training he got access to the indoor teaching of some highly skilled teachers.

But instead of trying to coast on that tiny bit of luck, like many folks do,

He added a whole bunch of Hard Work.

Constantly training and seeking out the best teachers and learning the best stuff he could.

Over and over. Again and again.

…for over 30 years now.

To this day he still makes sure to get around 6 weeks of full time (40 hours or more) instruction per year.

(That’s about 240 hrs per year. To put it in perspective if you attend a 2hr class twice a week that’s 208 hrs per year if you never ever miss class.)

That’s why our programs are able to deliver the results that they do.

…because we skip all the BS and start with the good stuff right away.

Our hope is that if we keep doing this often enough and loudly enough more folks will follow our example.

If you’d like try the good stuff approach then go check this out:


Bagua 101: The first 5 Bagua skills you should learn.

We’ve been talking a lot about Xing Yi recently.

Our function first approach and how we leave out all the fluff and filler.

The same applies to our Bagua.

So here’s a quick look at the first 5 Bagua fundamentals.

1. Constant Penetrating Power

This quality is very much the Hallmark of Bagua.

There are many other energies and expressions.

But this is first

Because without this so much of your Bagua movement will be paper thin…

…lacking the internal power and integrity that all real Bagua has.

ALL your movement should have a penetrating bone breaking power.

And it should be constant.

Without ANY breaks or interruptions ANYWHERE in the movement or the power.

2. Simple Street Application

Bagua is known for some very complex movement.

However if you’re going to be able to fight with Bagua anytime soon you need to start with some simple and effective street applications.

They key is that they must still use proper Bagua principles.

This could mean a lot of things but the two most important is that they use the Constant Penetrating Power we already talked about and…

You must NEVER stop moving.

Bagua ALWAYS assumes 6 – 8 attackers. This means you must never EVER stop moving.

So when you train your application make sure you NEVER stop moving and walking.

If you stand in one place for a moment, even if you’re doing something horrible to one attacker, the other attackers will get you.

This brings us to number 3…

3. Fighting Use of Circle Walking

With any real style or study of Bagua one of the first and most important practices you hear about is Circle Walking.

The fighting use of Circle Walking is a HUGE topic.

There is much much more than we’re going to talk about here.

One of the first things you’re working on is to never stop moving.

I know I mentioned this already but it’s absolutely CRITICAL and it’s a very common error.

As soon as you stop moving your feet the other attackers will catch up to you and you die.

So Bagua doesn’t stop.

Your feet are always moving and you’re constantly traveling and covering ground.

With a little practice you’ll be able to walk in any direction you choose while still being able see ALL the attackers AND where you are going.

4. Move Your Center

One of the key principles that sets Bagua apart from Xing Yi or Tai Chi is that Bagua Moves the Center.

(Xing Yi Fortifies the Center. Tai Chi Dissolves the Center)

This comes back to the principle of CONSTANT MOTION because standing still gets you killed.

Movement and Evasion is Bagua’s first response.

Even if it could aggressively take out the attacker (like Xing Yi will) Bagua ALWAYS assumes AT LEAST 6 attackers and so Movement and Evasion is FIRST.

Moving your center through space…

(because you’re walking like we talked about)

…but also moving it INTERNALLY.

Twisting and turning and rotating and moving your center around inside your body. المراهنة على المباريات

5. Multiple Attacker Fundamentals

All this evasion and movement we’ve been talking about keeps you from getting killed.

It also allows you to control the space around you.

With a little practice you can use techniques like Single Palm to segment the space around you and control when where and how attackers have access to you.

You must end the situation as quickly as possible! كيف تربح في الروليت

The problem is, if you commit to a technique or try to make something happen you leave yourself exposed to the other attackers.

The key is to let the attackers do all the work.

Learn to use timing and position so that the attackers must expose themselves to reach you.

Then you can let the attackers do all the heavy lifting and use their offensive techniques against each other.

So those are 5 fundamental Bagua skills you should start with BEFORE you start learning any forms. كيف ربح المال

You will learn these basics in the Bagua section of our Internal Combat Arts Course.


And of course we’ll take these skills to a much more advanced level in our full Bagua program.

…as well as add a whole bunch of other more advanced Bagua stuff.

Fist Fights VS Floods

The Weekend forecast for Nashville, TN…

(about 3hrs from our headquarters here in Maryville.)

…Called for two to four inches of rain.

By Saturday Afternoon May 1 2010 some of the city had seen more than six inches of rain.

By Saturday night the Cumberland had risen 15 feet, to 35 feet, and the Army Corps of Engineers were predicting it would crest at 42.

But the rain didn’t stop Sunday.

The river didn’t crest until Monday at 52 feet.

Nashville saw more than 13 inches of rain that weekend.

Twice the previous record (6.6 set in ‘79.) And over 3 times the original forecast.

So what does this have to do with a fist fight?

We’ll they have one thing in common and one very important difference.

First, the forecast. (what they have in common)

It was too low. If it had been higher folks could have been better prepared and a lot of damage and suffering could have been avoided.

But if it had been too high, say the forecast was 13 inches and only 2 inches fell, then you’d get the ‘cry wolf effect’ and people wouldn’t prepare next time there was extreme weather on the way.

In a fist fight, there is also a forecast.

  •  Is this a friendly boxing match with medium power?
  •  Are we going to end up wrestling around in the mud and gravel?
  •  Is this a knockdown drag out pound on each other ‘till we’re both exhausted kind of thing?
  •  Or is someone going to pull a knife and start cutting off pieces?

And you’d better be right.

The first time your forecast is too low, you’ll end up cut to pieces before you even realize they drew a knife.

If your forecast is too high you’ll end up in jail.

The problem with weather is that we’re stuck with it. (at least in the short term) We just have to learn as much about it as we can and get better and better at predicting it.

Fist fights are easy though:

Just don’t engage.

For a fist fight to occur you need at least two people who are willing to fight.

If you refuse to be drawn into a fight, that leaves only 2 options:

1. Nothing happens. 

This is great! Everybody lives, No injuries, no legal consequences or paperwork.

Or 2. The other guy attacks you.

This is not ideal.

But, there are no decisions to make. You don’t have to worry about which techniques are justified and which are not.

Your life is in immediate danger. Simply do whatever it takes to stay alive.

Of course you try to make sure option #1 is the only one available.

Unfortunately you don’t always get to pick. The other guy does.

What you CAN (and should) do is this:

  1. Make sure these are the only two options (no fist fights.)
  2. Make the attacker choose long before he gets close to you.
  3. Make the attacker announce his (or her) choice both to you and to anyone nearby.

It’s not as difficult as it sounds.

Of course you need to practice, but it can be learned in a day or two.

The tools you need are:

  •  Positioning skills. (where and how you position your body)
  •  A little bit of timing and a little bit of movement. (nothing refined or fancy though)
  •  Communication skills. (verbal and nonverbal)

Those 3 things allow you to take charge of a situation and keep you safe.

(legally, morally and physically.)

You can learn how to use them on our Street Tactics DVD.


30 Xing Yi Lessons & 7 Qigong Lessons

Internal Combat Arts 16 Week Course:

Kuntao Xing Yi Quan (Weeks 5 – 8)

 ** Lesson 1. Xing Yi Quan

In our Xing Yi training we focus on the Internal Principles and the Fighting Methods first.

We find this is a much more effective way to learn Xing Yi than starting with forms and postures.

  ** Lesson 2. The Five Elements

The 5 Elemental Fists are the core of Xing Yi. All other forms (animals, weapons, linking) are just variations & combinations of the 5 Fists.

** Lessons 3 – 5. Pi Chuan – The Chopping fist

You learn how to add more power & body integration to what you already learned
You learn how to overwhelm the opponent with a rapid barrage of continuous Pi Chuan strikes.

** Lessons 6 – 7. Tsuan Chuan – The Drilling Fist

You learn the powerful ‘drilling’ method of this fist and, just like with Pi, you learn a continues fighting method. (not just the application of a few techniques)

** Lesson 8. Chopping & Drilling

You learn how to combine the Pi and Tsuan methods and use them together.

** Lessons 9 – 10. Beng Chuan – The Crushing fist

You learn the fighting method of Beng Chuan

  ** Lessons 11 – 16. Pao Chuan – The Pounding Fist

You learn another aggressive, overwhelming, powerful and continuous fighting method.

You also learn some important strategic principles you can apply to all of your Xing Yi.

  ** Lessons 17 – 20. Heng Chuan – The Crossing Fist

You learn how to fight with the Crossing Fist.

  ** Lesson 21. Run Over Your Opponent

You learn to use the primary strategy of Xing Yi.

  ** Lessons 22 – 26 Responding to Grabs 

You learn how to destroy a grappling, tackling, takedown type attack with each of the 5 Fists.

  ** Lesson 27. Fortify the Center

You learn how to ‘Fortify the Center.’

This principle is one of the key distinctions between Xing Yi and the other internal arts (Tai Chi & Bagua.)

We will build on the understanding you develop here and add a lot more power and skill with it in the full Xing Yi program.

  ** Lesson 28. The Thorny King

You will learn how to make every contact painful to the opponent.

This principle is important in many Kuntao & Silat systems. Xing Yi in particular uses it very well and very often.

  ** Lesson 29. Spring Power

You learn another way to generate power. You’ll want to drill this to the point where you can combine it with all the power generation methods you’ve learned so far.

  ** Lesson 30. Kun Tao Sticky Hands

You learn a two person freestyle game. It uses the principles you learned to build your skill & power.

Whew, that’s a lot for an introduction.

If you practice all that you’ll build a lot of power and you’ll be able to fight with all 5 Fists.

Sure, it’ll be a little rough at first but you can use it AND you’ll have a solid foundation on which to refine your skill and build advanced ones.

You’ll also learn this Qigong stuff too:

7 Qigong Lessons

  ** Lesson 10. Three Dan Tiens Linear

You learn this important internal alignment exercise. For now this is just an energy building & activation exercise. Eventually this has martial uses as well (Xing Yi for example uses this a lot.)

  ** Lesson 11. Balance and Correct the Meridians

You will learn how to put away and store the energy you build from your qigong practice. You will also learn to balance the meridians.

  ** Lesson 12. Foot Breathing

You learn to breath down to the bottoms of your feet. This is very healthy and it’s also a prerequisite for more advanced breathing methods.

  ** Lesson 13. Bone Marrow Washing & Breathing

You will learn a very powerful energy building, bone strengthening, rejuvenation method.

  ** Lesson 14. Building Physical Constitution & Chi

  ** Lesson 15. Squats & Wall Squats for Kidney Breathing

The exercises you learn here is very good for your kidneys.

  ** Lesson 16. Packing & Storing Chi

You will learn more about storing Chi and you begin learning about ‘packing’ chi.

So, when you’re ready to start learning all that stuff head on over here:


Here’s the short outline of the entire 16 week program:

Weeks 1 – 4: Kuntao Silat & Qigong part 1 (I outlined this section a few days ago.)
Weeks 5 – 8: Xing Yi Quan & Qigong part 2 (Includes everything I outlined in this email)
Weeks 9 – 12: Bagua Zhang
Weeks 13 – 16: Tai Chi Chuan

I’ll talk about the Bagua and Tai Chi sections soon.

Grab them by the insides! (Internal ‘Na’)

The ability to Na (hold or control) is important in all martial arts.

But it’s application is profoundly different between Internal and External systems.

(This is the same ‘na’ in ‘Chin Na’)

The external version is simple.

Just grab the opponent and you’ve done it.

You can then use that grab to break something or pull them into a strike or whatever.

INTERNALLY this gets a little more interesting.

We’re now talking about holding or controlling something INSIDE the other person.

A simple example would be to grab someone’s wrist and yet be able to control their shoulder.

If the person you grab is tense this will be easy. The more they relax the more skill you’ll need to do this.

With training there are many things you can ‘na.’

– Tension (one of the easiest)
– their root
– their balance point
– their breath

In the Internal Combat Arts course you’ll learn how to find and ‘na’ someones center.

(Tai Chi Chuan Lesson 16. http://www.clearsilat.com/internal-combat-arts)

Have you ever heard Xing Yi and Bagua folks talk about touching the opponents spine anytime you make contact?

This is another example.

Any time you make contact (anywhere) you make sure that contact effects the opponents spine.


The key is to build the ability to feel inside your opponent.

You need to be able to put your hand on their wrist and feel the tension in their lower back, or their spine, or their kidney.

That’s why we do so many hands on, tactile games.

Like this one:

And each of the 4 sections in the Internal Combat Arts course includes various games that will continue to build this skill (and many others).


(and they must not know you.)

Being able to see where their head is so you can throw your fist at it is a start…

…but it you want to practice an INTERNAL art you need to go a little deeper than that.


Internal VS External: Application

What’s the difference between Internal & External?

This is a common question and there are a bunch of confusing and misleading answers online.

So here’s a simple answer:

– Internal = Inside the body.
– External = Outside the body.

So to help make things clearer lets talk about application of technique.

So the External is where you put your hands and feet.

1. Smack their arm to turn them, then punch them in the kidney.


2. As they punch, trap their wrist and drive you fore arm through their elbow to break the arm.

So if we want to make these applications Internal then we need to start looking at what’s happening inside the body.

We’ll start with inside the opponent.

When you punch them in the kidney…

– Is the force going into the kidney you’re striking?

– Or maybe you direct it across to damage the kidney on the other side.

– Or down into their lower intestine.

– Or up into the lung, heart or head.

In the 2nd application when you drive your forearm through their elbow…

– Instead you could direct the force to their shoulder to dislocate it instead of breaking the elbow.

– Or you could target their point of balance and turn into a throw instead of a break.

You can also look at what’s happening inside you.

– Are you using a heavy body state?
– A light one?
– Do you have Chan Si Jing (spiralling energy) turned on?
– Are you using compression?
– Are you expanding or contracting?
– Are you using Peng, Lu, Ji or An?

Each one of these body states will change the power of an application and how it affects the opponent.

Ok, here’s the cool part:

Say I’m doing the second app. I’m using a heavy body state, a little bit of An Jing (push) and I’m trying to break their elbow.

What if they counter?

They put enough strength and intent in their elbow that there’s no way I could break it.

Well, an External Martial Artist will need to change his technique. He’ll need to move his hands and feet into a different position so he can apply a different technique.

This takes time.

The Internal Martial Artist only has to change his mind.

– Heavy becomes light.
– An becomes Ji.
– and the target becomes his shoulder.

With a little training, this change can happen almost as fast as you can think.

Much faster than moving your hands and feet.

…and if the opponent doesn’t have the sensitivity to pick up the change and the internal skill to counter you fast enough then they don’t have much of chance.

And you can keep changing. Again and again in an instant.

Or you can strike (issue power) multiple times to multiple targets without changing your position or point of contact.

This is ONE of the key differences between internal and external.

We’ll talk about a few others over the next couple days.

When you’re ready to start learning how to fight at the speed of thought,

Go check this out:


16 Kun Tao Silat Lessons & 9 Qigong Lessons in 4 weeks.

So the Internal Combat Arts Course is now available,

…and people have been asking what exactly is being taught during this 16 week program.

In the first 4 weeks there are 16 Kun Tao Silat lessons & 9 Qigong lessons.

The work you do in this section builds skills you need for the Xing Yi, Ba Gua & Tai Chi that comes later in the program.

But first, the Silat.

Lesson 1: Kun Tao Silat 

 – Understanding why an art does what it does is very important to any long term success in that art.

Lesson 2: Avoidance & Awareness

 – Some key skills you must train if you ever want to actually be able use these arts for self defense

Lesson 3: Do Not Exchange with the Attackers

 – Learning how to make sure everything bad happens to the other guy is a key principle in all combative (i.e. not sport) arts.

Lesson 4: Closest Available Target (gifts)

 – Learn how to use the gifts your opponent gives you.

Lesson 5: Rolling Tjimande Strike

 – Learn a powerful bone breaking strike. This begins to lay the foundation for some Internal striking you’ll get to later.

Lesson 6: The Open Hand

 – All of these arts use the open hand extensively so it’s very important for you to understand it’s power.

Lesson 7: Attitude & Power

 – The correct mindset when using Kuntao Silat will add a tremendous amount of power to your technique.

Lesson 8: Stance

 – Location, Location, Location. Understanding where and how to position your body is absolutely critical to success. The vast majority of martial artists do this WRONG.

Lesson 9: Empty Hand VS Knife

– Silat always assumes blades are involved. Even if you carry a blade (or any weapon) you will not always have access to it. It is vital to understand the realities of defending yourself against an armed opponent and incorporate that into every aspect of self defense training.

Lesson 10: Hamburger Range (close the distance)
 – In Knife work, controlling distance is VITAL.

Lesson 11: The Power of Soft: Defeating Destructions

 – Kuntao Silat likes to attack aggressively with the hard parts of the body (elbows, knees, fists, etc…) and it assumes the attackers will also (like an aggressive Thai boxer for example.) Understanding how softness can defeat this method is very important.

Lesson 12: Grappling

 – The study of grappling in Kuntao Silat can get very extensive and elaborate. For now, we are going to keep it simple and immediately street practical by focusing on the question: “What if they grab you?”

Lesson 13: Hands Free Holds

 – When Silat grapples, not only do you trap, lock and break your opponent but you do so while keeping your hands free whenever possible.

Lesson 14: Tackles

 – In which we answer the question: “What if they try to tackle you?”

Lesson 15: Takedowns

 – In which we answer the question: “What if they try to pull your legs out from under you?”

Lesson 16: Games & Drills

 – Learn some of the games we use to build a variety of important skills.

You’ll also start building a strong Qigong practice. 

This part may seem mostly health oriented at first but if you train this diligently it will have a profound impact on your martial ability and power later.

Chi: Energy Activation Cultivation & Flow

Lesson 1: Relaxation

 – Absolutely critical to your internal development and your health.The cultivation of true relaxation (song) is a never ending process.

Lesson 2: Awareness

 – Learn how to begin feeling and understanding what is going on internally. (this is absolutely necessary for high level internal skills.)

Lesson 3: Quiet The Mind

 – Another key skill for both long term health and advance internal ability.

Lesson 4: Activating Yin & Yang

 – We begin working on this idea by working with two body states that you’ll use over and over in our training: Heavy & Light.

Lesson 5: Wu Chi

 – Learn the fundamental internal alignment that everything else is built on.

Lesson 6: Rooting

 – Another absolutely vital skill for success in these arts. (and one that is misunderstood and not trained correctly by most INTERNAL Martial Artists.)

Lesson 7: Body Connection

 – Learn how to connect the body so you can use it as one whole piece. This will greatly benefit your health and is crucial for all the arts we do.

Lesson 8: Removing Blockages

 – Blockages will cause health problems and limit the effectiveness of any Qigong or energy work.

Lesson 9: Energy Alignment

 – Keeping your “energy” properly aligned has a bunch of health and martial benefit over time.

So that’s everything we teach in the first 4 weeks of this course.

In weeks 5 – 8 we build on this with some Xing Yi Quan training and more Qigong but I’ll talk about that later.

If you’re ready to learn this stuff head on over to:


This is an online course so you can get started as soon as you join. (You don’t have to wait on any shipping.)

Do you teach the health part of Xing Yi in your Xing Yi program?


Our Xing Yi program is about how to fight.

You will develop the internal power and fighting methods of Xing Yi.

It will make you stronger, more powerful and your body will become more connected, and this does have some health benefit, But it’s a byproduct of the martial training.

It’s not something that’s taught in the course.

I have a shoulder that’s plagued me for some time.

Tai Chi helped a little.

So did Qigong and our Fa Kung Healing methods, but nothing could get rid of it.

(To much bad posture while working in front of the computer and no sleep keeps aggravating the problem.)

…But the Xing Yi seems to be just what it needed.

As long as I practice consistently I have no problems with it.

When we filmed most of the Xing Yi program in one weekend, I expected the long days and little sleep to aggravate the problem but instead it went away completely.

(Until I spent a couple weeks doing very little training while not sleeping and sitting hunched over in front of the computer for long hours every day.)

Still, DONT join our Xing Yi program if you are looking for the health side.

That’s not what its about.

Our Internal Combat Arts course on the other hand…


…is mostly martial. It has some of that fight first Xing Yi training (as well as some Kuntao Silat, Bagua and Tai Chi)

But it will also teach you the fundamentals of a strong Qigong practice that you’ll get a lot of great health benefits from. (in addition to enhancing the power of your martial training.)

I’m going to get away from this computer and go do some Xing Yi now…

WARNING: Quick high QUALITY skill is dangerous!

So, if you go around saying you can provide Quality skill Quickly…

(like when we point out that Xing Yi’s ORIGINAL DESIGN is to build effective, powerful & internal skill FAST.)

…then you’d better deliver… Quickly.

If you don’t,

then you loose all your students (and they tell all their friends.)

Much easier to say 4, 6 or 10 years is just scratching the surface.

(in a way it is… with Tai Chi or Bagua, but you should certainly be well past the beginner stage, have power and be able to fight by then.)

Now, if you CAN (and DO) deliver…

…and you start to become NOISY about it…

…then you are dangerous.

Because folks start to notice, and they begin to wonder about teachers who say it takes a long time.

Sigung Clear has been QUIETLY teaching Xing Yi for almost 2 decades.

…but now we’re getting noisy.

For two reasons:
  1. Folks keep asking us about Xing Yi and Bagua.
  2. We’d like to see a major improvement in the quality of internal martial arts training that’s publicly available. (within the next decade!)

So, now you know our ‘sinister’ plot.

You know the how (lead by example)
…and the why (because.)

But we can’t do it without your help.

All we need you to do is become a living example of what these arts can accomplish.

Learn and practice. Learn and practice. etc…

or to put it another way,

“Everybody get DANGEROUS!  (Boo yah!)” – weezer 

If you want to “get dangerous” with Xing Yi then you’re in luck. Our Xing Yi program is about the get underway.

Here’s how it’s going to work:

Clear’s Kuntao Xing Yi Quan is a 6 Month Intensive Online Training Program.

It’s designed to take a small group of dedicated folks like yourself and help you build powerful effective Xing Yi skill as efficiently as we know how.

It contains 21 Chapters of yummy Xing Yi fighting goodness.
 – You’ll be able to watch them online with a PC, Mac, iPod, iPad, iPhone or Android.

You will also get all 21 Chapters on DVD (8 discs.)
 – So you can watch it on your TV or share discs with your training partners. (we don’t recommend giving out your online login or password.)

This is a lifetime membership.
  – That means you only pay for it once. There’s NO subscription. NO recurring fees.
  – Next year when we run this program again you will already be a member.
  – Even if we raise the price for new members, you’re already in, no additional cost.

You get discounts on our annual Xing Yi workshop.
  – Including members only access to live training sessions in advanced Xing Yi material.


Enrollment will begin in a couple few weeks. If you miss the dates, or the program fills up before you get around to registering, then you’ll have to wait until next year.

Folks who are part of the 16 week Internal Combat Arts course will get first dibs, with access to early enrollment.


When Martial Artists ATTACK!

A couple days ago, I mentioned that someone with training can be deadly enough empty handed that you must defend yourself as if they had a knife.

And that brought this response:

“Realistically, when will I ever be really attacked by a Martial Artist?“

“If we’re talking self defense aren’t we talking about your common thug, street criminal or gang member?”

The answer is:

Yes, we are talking about self defense.

Yes, we are talking about thugs, street criminals, gang members and whoever else.

and Yes, those are trained and skilled martial artists.

They may not have a belt, a uniform or a pair of Boxing gloves. They may not have a name for what they do.

But they most likely have more real world experience than you.

And they most likely have at least semi-formal training from folks with a lot of hands on practice.

In Clear’s Silat we always assume the attacker is skilled, armed & has friends.

Training is much more fun that way.

(and useful)

You can get started learning all this fun and useful stuff with our 16 week Internal Combat Arts Course:
